Did I tell you bout the Mini Transat I had to do at the beginning of the semester? Of course I did.
Here's how it looks now:
I got a really good mark for my concept design and I'm really proud! Did help to have all the samples from my senior's assignments. My cute mini transat.. I was hoping to score another distinction for the next assignment; but the structural calcs proved to be a bit harder than I expected and what with OVD presentations happening... I just didn't have the energy to be constantly hanging out in the labs until 2 am in the morning for every single day of the week. Enough was enough. So I'm handing this baby in on Monday. Have I done anything else for it since OVD yesterday? NO. Are you kidding me? Girl needs some rest yo! There's all my structural calculations (actually it's Excel that did all of the number crunching) and refined drawings to hand in. Gotta catch up with my mates. Time to hang out in the labs once more. And I. I have no life. outside of my pursuit of knowledge.
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