girl your hair is so fine
I'm glad you're mine
I can touch it and feel it
all the time
girl your skin is so soft
your touch so gentle
I'm happy we're together
we can hold hands whenever
girl your smile is so sweet
your laugh, so mesmerizing
I can listen to you all day
and let my imagination run away
girl to me you're my all
swear I'll marry you this fall
we have grand plans for the future
you and I together forever
boy you know I love you, I do
but I love God too
He said not to show my hair
For every single strand shown I bear the sin of your stare
boy have you ever heard the prophet say
to pierce your head with a nail
is better than trying to hold my hand this way
you cannot imagine the promise of hell fire that will turn your face pale
boy I regret that I don't return your calls
we can not go out on dates to the mall
I fear that satan will whisper when next we are together
I do not want to be the fuel that burns in hell fire
boy if you love me like you say
we really cannot remain this way
God frowns on this illegal love
so why don't we rise above
find the strength to leave me
or meet me when you're ready
for the day when we will marry
and forever in His blessings we will be
girl your hair is so fine
I'm glad you're mine
I can touch it and feel it
all the time
girl your skin is so soft
your touch so gentle
I'm happy we're together
we can hold hands whenever
girl your smile is so sweet
your laugh, so mesmerizing
I can listen to you all day
and let my imagination run away
girl to me you're my all
swear I'll marry you this fall
we have grand plans for the future
you and I together forever
boy you know I love you, I do
but I love God too
He said not to show my hair
For every single strand shown I bear the sin of your stare
boy have you ever heard the prophet say
to pierce your head with a nail
is better than trying to hold my hand this way
you cannot imagine the promise of hell fire that will turn your face pale
boy I regret that I don't return your calls
we can not go out on dates to the mall
I fear that satan will whisper when next we are together
I do not want to be the fuel that burns in hell fire
boy if you love me like you say
we really cannot remain this way
God frowns on this illegal love
so why don't we rise above
find the strength to leave me
or meet me when you're ready
for the day when we will marry
and forever in His blessings we will be
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