A ruined picture

I had a really awesome model-esque picture I wanted to post somewhere. I thought it'd be awkward to post it to facebook so I thought why not here? I did some editing to hide the fact that my face looked super big and chubby but in the end I saved some unwanted changes and you can barely see my face at all! haha!
So here's the unveiling!

It was meant for a grander feel than this overly grainy picture manages to impart. I was really excited and quite looking forward to finally getting off my lazy a$$ and start working but it was not to be. The sponsors called me up to say I'd only start work in April! Bam! Another 2 weeks at home and there'll be more than 5 kilos of weight I'd be gaining! Speaking of this really frustrating weight gain, which is surprising considering that I've always stayed at a constant weight for how many years now, I really need to DO something about it.
I've over-reached the overweight threshold! Even with all my exercising, not paying attention to my diet has proven to be disastrous to say the least. So I think from now on, I'll start logging what I eat. Make this blog some sort of photo food diary of some sort and also to track my workouts too. 
Today's supposed to be one of the days I sweat it out. But so much for that. 
So day 1 of logging what I had (without the pics) coz this is one of my spur of the moment things:

Breakfast at 11:30 a.m. (yep, I waited till I was that hungry to go raid the pantry)
Instant noodles (Indomie): fried noodles + plain water
Lunch at 3.00 p.m. (thought my mom was gonna buy lunch but no)
Instant pasta (musroom and herbs) San Remo's + Pokka Melon Milk + Plain water

WORKOUT: none today, lazed around on the couch to watch Best Eats Ever and some other cooking shows and forced myself to finish reading the already read Winter's Heart.
Till next time, I'll start logging my food pics next

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