Breaking point

Last semester was tough.

I reasoned that it's not so much the course content, but the way it was delivered that made the subjects tougher than they actually were.

On the one hand, you get good lecturers who know what they're talking about and teach the subject amazingly well, but give really tough class tests (read: structural ANALysis) and on the other hand, you get really, really smart lecturers who can't teach even if it was to save their lives. (Noise and Vibe + Materials)
And, since I've run out of hands, I've got resistance and propulsion, (on) my foot! delivered really well by Binnsie, but I managed to stuff up the one class test for that unit.

So yeah, it was TOUGH.

Add to that the fact that I was always in the same team as this guy, who, by the way is a total nut-case and control freak, made last semester, possibly the least favorite of all my semesters in AMC.

Doom and gloom aside, I managed to pull through in the end; my silver lining on that dark, angry thunderhead.

Alhamdulillah, Ya 'Aziz, for giving me victory over last semester.

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