Diagnosing myself

It was really cold this morning, I forgot to wear my gloves.
And I got these really big, red welts on two of my fingers on the right hand.
They itched, swelled and ached like nobody's business.

I got real worried. Went back home. Checked Google.
Here's what I found:

Cold urticaria is a form of physical urticaria that is characterized by the development of hives (what??!! I've broken out in hives? heheh finally I get to use that expression for myself) and swelling with cold exposure (my poor pretty fingers). A variety of cold triggers can cause symptoms in people with this syndrome, including cold weather (that's no wonder then) , cold food and drinks (just had ice coffee), as well as swimming in cold water.

While most people with cold urticaria experience only mild symptoms of itching and hives with cold exposure(this confirms that I've got it then), some people have experienced life-threatening anaphylaxis (Thank god I don't have this)with aquatic activities involving cold water. (huh? I'd definitely freeze to death if I did this!)

Well, that definitely explains it. Thought it was my blood acting up on me again. I'm iron deficient. Poor me.

Thanks Google I love you!

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