I couldn't make out the time on the clock on the wall in front of me. Maybe if I walked closer to it, I'd be able to discern how much time I had left until the start of my 3 month holiday. But of course I am in the exam hall. Sitting at my desk. Pondering one question that I should have nailed down 15 minutes ago. Instead, I'm wracking my brain, trying to pinpoint what have I done wrong to get such illogical answers. I sigh inside. I spy on my friends' paper in front of me. I try to see if he is stuck on the same freaking question. But he is not. To my left, Adam is quite loudly arguing with himself. Probably not sure on what he should write. I stress my self out straining my eyes as far as it could see without the invigilators suspecting me of cheating. Wait! Joel is stuck on the same question! He's got the pump matching graph out. I feel relieved. Then I notice him putting down the graph and concentrating on another question. That's it! I should not be having this problem. I glance at the question. Total up the marks in my head. What's 20 marks compared to a hundred and 20 right? I fiddle with my pen. Tap tap tapping it on my paper. I get more agitated. I stare at the invigilator lady. She stares back at me suspiciously. I look down at my paper. Look up again. I get a feel for the exam mood. Definitely a lot better than it was for Solid Mechanics. Maybe because it is the last paper for the majority of the class. Last paper. I get tired of tapping my pen. So I tap my fingers instead. I decide on how to answer the question. Anything to get at least some marks. I squint at the clock's face. Then I squint even harder at my glittery Guess watch. Still I can not make out the time. The invigilators must have noticed me squirming in my seat. "You have got 15 minutes left. You may not leave the room." I wait out the last minutes. After scribbling some notes beneath my answers.I tap my feet. Stretch my beaten up fingers. Look around. This time the clock face was clear as glass. 5 minutes left!
I wait until the invigilator collects my answer sheet. Then I immediately turn around to gloat at Yasmine. She rolls her eyes and tells me to shut up. She still has 2 papers to go. I'm finished! Tralallalala
New Year?
2 months ago
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