What do I think? What do you think? What does everybody think when they see some one pass them by on the street? What will be the first thing you would notice about them?
What makes a person attractive in the eyes of another?
To me, a person's outer appearance is a pretty accurate reflection of how he/she is inside. Imagine seeing some big tall guy, with a handle bar mustache, leather jackets and leather gloves walking towards you. I'd make a safe bet that the guy rides a motorbike. What I'm getting at is first impressions depend heavily on the way a person presents himself to the rest of the world. If it was me, I would look at the clothes. If there is something quirky about their sense of style, I'd move on to the face. Then I'd match up the face with the style. If they don't really go together, I'd admire the person for not being stereotypical. Then maybe I'd listen in on their conversations with other people, their body language. The way they talk. How they pronounce certain words. This can all happen in a split second. Since this is quite a short time, my mind will form its own conclusion from whatever I've seen. Then I'd categorize the said person into the cool or uncool category.
However this situation only applies when I can see the person in front of me.
What if I can't see the person?
For instance, I'm in a hallway, then I hear a guy calling out after somebody. I'd try to put a face to suit the voice. Most of the time, it's quite hard to categorize people just based on their voices. In fact, for me at least, it's really tough. Really short guys can have the most macho voice and vice versa. I'd say that I'm really bad at matching the voice and the face that I'd pulled up in my head. This always happens when I hear a song on the radio. I really like the lead singer's voice. Then I'd go on Youtube and see if the guy is as handsome as the voice. This is when I'd get disappointed.See The Fray, Chad Kroeger, etc. But that's just the way things are. 99% of the time, I've seen the lead and I'll hear the voice after. Today I went and actually legally downloaded some songs off iTunes to listen to this guy singing. What was so irresistible was the whole arrangement of the music suits his beautiful voice so well. And the message behind each song holds a ton of meaning. Plus, this guy is very good looking. His name? Maher Zain. Other singers I like include the lead for Thriving Ivory and Adam Lambert. These guys have unique voices. I grow tired of the mainstream voices. Particularly the Jonas Brothers. I don't get how they got so much hype in the first place. They're not even half as good as The Moffats or Hanson. My favorite voice so far, if I can call it that is the one that belongs to Mark Ruffalo. Reason being, it's just the sort of voice that I like. Reason enough, right?
We are truly lucky to be gifted with sight and hearing. But this will avail us naught if we do not put them to good use. After the initial style, looks and voice appraisal, the true test to determine a person's attractiveness is the personality. And this can only be ascertained through the elusive thing called time. Time reveals what was hidden before and gradually uncovers a person's traits. I like to see how a person speaks. How they form words. Each person has a unique way of saying the same word. The nuance, pronunciation. It's all theirs. It's what makes a person themselves. I think that how a person speaks tells a lot about themselves. Especially about how their minds work or how they were raised. How polite they are and various other interesting things. I take a shine on someone who speaks my own kind of language. This is pretty hard to explain. The expression birds of a feather flock together might serve to better clarify this point. I generally can sense after a few minutes of conversation whether I like a person or not. Generally, if we have a flow going on, I'd take it as good sign. But if not, then tough luck. Then, after this flow has been established, I'd see if it can be maintained over time. But people can surprise us with how much they reveal. And boy, have I been surprised!
Well, in this case, which trait wins? the voice, looks, personality or smarts?
For me, all of these traits make up a person. So there's not much distinction between any of em.
New Year?
2 months ago
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