yesterday was such a great day. sunshine. brilliant sunshine. warm. felt like I was back in Malaysia! it was a great day to submit my time consuming ship design assignment.
talk about work overload. at the last possible minute. had to change our design. had to re-draw all my ship drawings. had to get the hang of AutoCAD. had to cope with practically no sleep for a week straight. had to deal with all the formatting for report. and... wrote down impossibly sh*tty stuff for my hydrostatics reasoning. Praise the Lord in heaven that I am over and done with the whole freaking thing.
study week has officially started and know what? so have the invasion of the freak flies. they are everywhere! even bothered the hell out of me when I was trying to catch some shut eye. #$%#%!!! I feel a sadistic glee every time I see one of 'em on the floor, dead. not flying anymore. thanks to the fly killer, Camelia (and occasionally Khira and Sabrina)
good thing bout this semester: just 2 papers! I finish early :) bad thing: 1st paper is solid mechanics. 2d paper is just one day after the 1st paper. :( and solids is very hard.
since the start of ship design assignment, I have stayed up till 5 in the morning. slept at the musolla. woken up and cycled straight back to the labs. sat in front of the computer for a total of 18 grand hours (just making this up since i have no idea how much time passed). polished my AutoCAD skills. yawned 8 times in the space of 20 minutes. had a drink from the water fountain (of disease) at AMC. got a sore throat a few hours later. had a cup of tamarind water. had 4 cups of honey mixed with lemon. had vitamin C. had kinder bueno (sale at 2 dollars each). went to Fluids extra tutorial for 3 hours. bought mixed juice that had an odd beet root color. got cursed at 3 times from idiot Aussies for being a muslim, a foreigner, and.. a cyclist!
now I should get back to my (sigh) solid mechanics revision.
New Year?
2 months ago
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