I have to admit that posts without pictures are really boring but I don't really have a super nice camera with awesome picture taking qualities, so I just settle for a no picture post instead. Let's just call me lazy and be done with it. ha!
So another week has flitted past with me none the wiser. The teeth-gnashing stage has long past and I'm presently stewing at home, just hoping for any updates from anyone. It has reached the point where my parents are getting more concerned than I have ever been and it's really rubbing off on me.
So today, I just googled "Naval Architect jobs" and out popped more than a dozen job listings in Malaysia and Singapore alone. Well then, I stand corrected, it was me that wasn't job searcher savvy all this time. There are tons of other job searching websites that do cater to us maritime folks. Well, whaddya know huh?
So I bull-dozed through all the information filling, cover letter writing and resume uploading requirements and registered myself with a grand total of 3 job searching websites! All of them came up with hits when searching for naval architect jobs. Phew!
To date, I've applied for close to 20 job positions! I got only one reply but I'm suspecting I didn't make the final cut for that interview. There's this one job that I'm really, really hoping to score because it's the closest thing that relates to my degree, the company is a very established one and it's really close to home BUT I'm still waiting for their interview call and I applied close to a month and a half ago.
So. Still grasping at straws. Tying my hopes on pieces so frail. All I can do is pray.
New Year?
2 months ago
Askm. Why don't you try contacting CEO EN zailani OF Preston Shipyard Labuan Sabah
Email: zailani@prestonshipyard.com.my
Askm. Why don't you try contacting CEO EN zailani OF Preston Shipyard Labuan Sabah
Email: zailani@prestonshipyard.com.my
eh ana, ko bc gak blog ak... hehehe.. terharu sayh.. ok.. inshaAllah ak try.. thanks ana! xoxo