Semester starts this Monday!
What ever happened to my long, blissful, stress-free break?
Just another Manic Monday...wish it was Sunday...coz that's my fun day...I don't have to run day..
2nd semester. 2nd year. Naval Architecture. Got the timetable. Got the books. Got the files. Got no clips. Got no place to store my books from last semester. Got no mood. Especially when I looked at the units that I'll be taking:
Mechanics of Solids
- To provide the student with the knowledge required to analyse the state of stress and strain in simple structural components subjected to external loads (i.e. axial, bending, shear and torsional loads)
- To develop the student's understanding of the basic design requirements of structural members: i.e. strength, stiffness and stability
- To develop the student's ability to carry out simple structural experiments and provide them with the knowledge required to analyse and process the experimental data.

Fluid mechanics
- To provide students with knowledge and understanding of fluid flow phenomena via flow visualization, theory and exercises addressing the continuity and force-momentum equations for incompressible fluid flow.

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Ship Production
- To provide the student with an understanding of the overall philosophy and techniques involved in the manufacture of ships and the context in which the processes are carried out.
- To provide practical experience with commercial surface modelling software and illustrate the scope of Computer Aided Design And Manufacture.

Ship Design
- To provide an introduction to issues influencing a vessel's design.
- To introduce certain fundamental aspects of the rational and engineering approach to marine design.
- Establish an understanding of the considerations essential in the determination of hull characteristics, general arrangement and requisite systems.

Overall, 2 very tough subjects with 2 very interesting ones. What an exciting semester this will surely turn out to be.

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