Observe the title.
Your honor, I beg to differ.
All I've learned during my 1st week in this 2nd semester, never take anything for granted...
Apparently most of the units I'm taking now have strong foundations in the basic stuff we studied in 1st year. Now I know what pre-requisites mean.
Fresh out from the break.
Lecturer says: Where's Maryam?
Me: I am so DEAD
Lecturer: I've never had to give such high marks to a student before for their exam in all the time I've been teaching Hydrostatics. So I owe you a pint. But we'll figure out something later since you can't consume alcohol
Me: Is this freakin' real? wow, I'm so glad I studied my butt off for it... heheh...err thank you?
Then he started asking us questions that related to Hydro. I was like... huh?...what was the term again..errr... so much for all the hard work ya? moment I finished the exam, my brain went on vacation. Earth to brain..U come back yet? Just reminds me how puny we all are compared to the Almighty.
Oh my God... It's Roberto again! Note to self: Be careful not to drool and be caught staring for too long at him. Haha.... wait..didn't I see that guy last semester? no... you can't be kidding me.. that guy tooo.... and that one! all of them failed???
Roberto: You must be aware that the failure rate in this subject is vey high. 11 failed out of 40.
Me: pfft
Roberto says it's a whole different ball-game now we're in 2nd year, 2nd semester. We have to be more independent. Gauge how much work we need to do to get our desired goals. Then natters on about pasta bridge competition (NO! more work!) and the 3 class tests (sob) and the lab work... sigh... and of course... STATICS revision... (die..laaa)
Dear Chris... so much like a sweet grandpa. I've got nothing to say except it is freaking AWESOME.
We started off by designing THE hull using MAXsurf. Beauty!
I find I like how Dev lectures. His explanations are so cool. Makes me feel like I understand Physics! Gotta love the feeling. And this unit hinges on Dynamics. You should have seen my face! no formulas, nothing came to mind except what Power was equal to. RPM to angular velocity, nil.
Thank god I was sitting to a former mechanical engineer. Cheers dude.
This is just my 1st week mind you and my brain is still out there somewhere. Enjoying its break. Not realizing the semester's started. Can't wait for the voyage aboard Blue-fin!
New Year?
2 months ago
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