My beautiful ummi
Whenever I look at your face, I see an overwhelming light that only serves to enhance your natural beauty
My ummi is most beautiful in form, figure and akhlaak
Every word that comes out of your mouth seems like pearls of wisdom
Ummi, you are so beautiful
I always wonder, your face which is full of light. From where does it emanate?
Ummi, please know that I love you dearly
Ummi, I may not express myself clearly
But my undying gratitude to you
Ummi, no other mother can rival your inner or outer beauty.
You're my number one
Ummi, Allah repay all your kindnesses to me
You have been my unyielding pillar of strength through everything I've gone through...
Ya Ummi
Allah bless you and grant you the highest place in Jannah.
New Year?
2 months ago
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