Strung up by the guts. No quarter. No mercy. Left to dangle helplessly. Poked and prodded with a million jabs. Where there was no boundary, limits suddenly appeared. Doubts manifested. Voices constantly haranguing. Hated. Hated. Hated. I didn't understand. Was the whole thing real? Sometimes it seemed like a dream where I couldn't wake up from. Every time I slept, I woke up to another nightmare. A nightmare where evil ruled the world. And no one could save me. Except God. The scars run deep. Too deep in fact. I long to be rid of them. And be free from this box. Someone threw me in. Locked away the key. I'm hurling my body at the gates. But everyone cackles loudly. No one wants to help. Every one tries their best to bring me down. Voices. Whispering. Prodding. And for the first time I felt fear. Fear of showing myself. Coz if I did, the pain was too excruciating. I was lost. Underneath my skin. In my thoughts. They constantly haunt me. I came out weak and bedraggled. Hated. Hated. Hated. I don't understand. Please. I used to be loved and cherished. I used to be happy. I used to be free. Now I'm a prisoner in my own body. Afraid to show myself because the pain was too excruciating. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. I am unmended. I don't want to lose myself. Please. I don't understand what's happening. Why did it happen to me? I'm running away as fast as I can, but the darkness seeks to engulf me. It follows me wherever I go. It keeps hating. hating. hating. I don't want to go back to that place. I don't want to. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts.
it hurts...
New Year?
2 months ago
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