Whenever doubt strikes you, or you want to do something evil, recite 'I seek refuge in Allah from the outcast Syaitan' -
Begin everyday in the name of Allah. 'Bismillah'
Always stay in a state of wudhu' through-out the day. This will boost our daily productivity significantly.
'It is a matter of shame that the birds are always up earlier than you'
Make the most of the mornings after Subuh.
The Dhuha prayer also increases productivity during the day (2 rakaat in the time after sunrise up to 11 am)
When in need, always perform the hajat prayer to ask Allah for help and ease our way
Surah al-insyirah: makes every undertaking easier
Fasting every Monday and Thursday after the Prophet Muhammad's tradition: ensures a balanced diet.
New Year?
2 months ago
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