In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
Yesterday night I attended my weekly Usrah, a wonderful gathering between Muslimahs for the sake of Allah that I've joined since the beginning of this year. My group consists of mostly career women a year older than myself, the group leader (Mak usrah) and her daughter who is still studying for her degree. This small unit is called usrah which means 'family' in Arabic because of the fact that it acts as a reminder to us family members, and a comforting one at that.
So yesterday's topic was on Tauheed: the concept of monotheism in Islam, believing in One God, His angels, His prophets, His Noble Quran, Qada' and Qadr and the Last Day of Judgement.
One interesting analogy was given between a believer and a disbeliever. The comparison was between a gardener who came to work in someone else's garden without thought other than to tend to the garden so that he could eat and a gardener who, upon seeing the garden, immediately met with the owner for the terms and conditions of his working the garden.
In other words, a disbeliever does not know what is the purpose of his living on this world whereas a believer follows Allah's guidelines in life; his true purpose is to serve Allah the Almighty. Beautiful isn't it?
As normal, we caught up with each other's stories during the last 2 weeks we weren't able to meet up and wrapped our meet this time with some orange juice and yummy trifle. Plus I brought mom's freshly cooked banana fritters. It was good alhamdulillah. Till next time, I hope I'll be able to update my Usrah gems every week and insert the ones I've missed before this.
New Year?
2 months ago
Maryam you pergi Usrah di mana?
fadilah, I just noticed your comment! sorry...
usrah kt sekolah al-amin (ade umh auntie kt situ)
under IKRAM... are u interested?