I moved in with these girls at the start of the year:
I still remember my 1st day of orientation at the AMC. I was walking down to the UTas Cafeteria with Din, drooling over the barbie offering veggie burgers for free, when this girl, seeming unsure of herself trailed behind us. I glanced behind and realized she'd come out of the auditorium (note: where all the 1st year engineering students were brainwashed into submission). A switch went off in my brain and I said, "Hey! You're taking Engineering too right? Oh my God! I'm so glad! At least there is another girl with me! What course are you doing?"
She beamed at me and so began our long friendship. Both of us stayed in Investigator Hall. I put up for 2 weeks, then I moved to the all-girl corridor block at Kerslake Hall. Yasmine didn't bother to move. Too comfortable I guess.
Khira "Have you met Khira yet?" that's the 1st thing that Acap (Ashraf, glamor name: Ash *puke*)
asked me when he and Din offered to drive me for grocery shopping at Coles and Woolworths. Khira? That's an unusual name for sure... what is she? Keira Knightley's forgotten twin?
I didn't get to meet her until this trip to Hobart. We met at the mosque. Outside the doors. 1st impression: ermm... she's not smiling at me. Oh no... she looks kind of unfriendly.
Then I think I introduced myself. At the Hobart gathering with other medic and pharmacy students, we chatted amiably. I still couldn't figure her out. Time to go back, her little sister (who'd come for a holiday visit after her major exam) and she, asked me to go home with them. Are you kidding me? She drives? over here? how un-like me. haha
After that, we had this girl heart to heart talk, laughed and joked in the car. She's cool...
"There's this new Malay girl that will be coming. She'll put up at my house. She'll be taking Architecture. Her name's Camelia" Khira told me during one of my crash-ins at her place for delicious free food. " o... okay...that'd be cool. At least now you'd have a Malay friend and class-mate besides Acap"
I totally forgot this conversation as I cycled through the campus to go to the Co-op shop to get some stationeries. (Kerslake was a few steps away..yeah.. I'm lazy)
Khira's phoned me to tell that Camelia's just arrived. Camelia? oh that Singaporean Malay girl."Hey you! You're riding your bike to come all the way here?" Khira stares at me incredulously.
"You told me there'd be this new girl coming, where is she? eh.. hi! (I noticed this girl behind her for the 1st time) You don't look like a Malay at all! You look like an Arab!"
She said; "I get that a lot"
wow..she's very pretty...wonder what she'll be like...
Turns out that don't judge a book by its cover is really true. She's wacky plus she's older than us *gasp*
We made a pact last year to move in together. As for the house of choice. Still undecided. Khira & Camelia will choose since they'll be back earlier.
Fast forward to today:
We've got a quaint little cottage behind Woolworths. It is absolutely beautiful.
Downside: it's freaking cold!
New Year?
2 months ago
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