Gosh! Look at the date!
It's June 25 already...
Semester starts July 13th.
Long way to go yet. ha!
I went to the city with the girls yesterday.
Main place to haunt: THE STATE LIBRARY
Main book to borrow: PATRICK ROTHFUSS: The name of the wind
We set out to SPOTLIGHT. Bought some stuff. Got some cool t-shirt material and
some things to make a draw-string purse. Why you ask? Because it suddenly struck me that
I must buy one or make 1 of my own. So yeah...Haven't really started but I think the
end product will look pretty spectacular (If i don't say so my self..hehe)
After browsing for an hour, we went to park at the LIBRARY. Had to brave the brisk cold.
I thought I'd be safely ensconced in the car for the remainder of the trip but I thought wrong evidently.
Camelia was eager to get a look since she's never been there. My hands are itching to get to THE
Finally found the book! Grabbed it straight off the shelf befor
Looked around. No-on eyeing it.Relief. Browsed some more. Got this really cool book, Camelot's Shadow (Sarah Zettel).. something about Sir Gawain and witches, demons, necromancers and a warrior princess (anything about King Arthur and the medieval times has always fascinated me...and...now I've finished reading it and I think I'll give it 5 stars for the unconventional plot..loved it!)
Borrowed Snow Blind by PJ Tracy like the cover of the book more than anything. Read her previous book, Want to Play? It was nice.
On the way to search for food..stopped at this Boho store. Newly opened. Lots of bargain stuff.
Correction...indian stuff. Practically all of them. Got a gypsy skirt to replace my old-worn one.
Happy! :)
Stomach grumbled. It's past our lunch time and close to dinner. Went to fresh cafe only to be told that their kitchen's closed? what?! it's freaking 3pm!
We went to SUBWAY(gotta love the subs) instead.
Chipotle West, Sweet Onion, Sweet Chilli, honey Mustard and Mayonaise. Extra onions too. and all the cheese that they had to offer. Got 6 cookies. And was charged 2 dollars cheaper.
What the heck. It's their loss. Khira admonishes. And I have to relent...
In conclusion:
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy things that make me happy :)
Thanks Khira and Camelia for the trip! Today we'll go bowling at King's Meadows.
Right on~!
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