A comment on Yasmine Mogahed's lecture where she emphasized the importance of distancing yourself from all the luxuries of this world in order to prepare for the everlasting here after: it's not a good thing to get too attached to things or loved ones because all of them come from Allah and to Allah they return. So what is most important is what is inside ourselves. Have you ever wondered what level of imaan you had if everything was taken away from you? Could you withstand the most adverse circumstance and still remain true to your deen? InshaAllah this is a reminder to me and my fellow muslims and muslimas. The life of this world is just a passing entertainment and the after-life that goes on forever is our true destination. Wallahu 'alam, and Allah knows best. On the extreme end f the spectrum though, we've got muslims who focus on akhirat and totally neglect the life of this world and vice versa. Islam loves moderation in everything we do. There is a saying that means if we chase after akhirat, the life of this world will come running to us. Balance is key to a happy life. A good muslim is one who succeeds in all facets of his/her life. In work, we demonstrate the best ethics, the best performance and the best communications with friends and working our life to please Allah as the end goal. This topic leads to the great muslim leaders who managed to achieve this through their strength of faith alone. And who better to emulate than our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him)? What a tremendous blessing if we could actually emulate his beautiful akhlaak and mannerisms. Masha Allah. Bi ithnillah. And there is no strength except by Allah's leave.
New Year?
2 months ago
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