"You can't have a positive life with a negative mind"
This quote speaks volumes on how our thoughts affect our behavior. Take this for example: if all that you can think of are negative thoughts i.e. you revel in wallowing in negativity, well, it follows that the life you have shaped around you whether you realize it or not would reflect this to a certain extent. This becomes worse if you inevitably surround yourself with negative people who not only put themselves down but drags them down with you. Tons of research has been done on this topic alone. Do you remember that popular quote, mind over matter? Well, it's mainly because the power of the human mind has no bounds, only the ones you decided to set for yourself. Instead of using negative connotations, try using only positive ones. Anthony Robbins once mentioned this in one of his numerous lectures pertaining to how to control our thoughts; use positive words and turn the negative into positive.
Of course, if the environment around you is very highly negative, does this mean we have to surrender to their demands. Hell no! Once positive, always positive. Positive thinking is the key to everything positive in life. Some people have so much positive energy that it effects the surroundings around them. I'm gonna take America for example. If you observe the way their citizens speak, you will get what I mean. It is very rare that they do not praise someone or thank someone or plain ignore someone. I think the reason why America has become such a power house is because of their overwhelmingly positive attitude towards life in general. They're always using the word great! excellent! amazing! and constantly praising every single effort done by anyone. This positive energy is what we need to cultivate in ourselves. There's no logic to putting oneself down constantly. Know your strengths, play on those strengths and just stay positive. 'You are beautiful, words won't bring you down' Don't let people be the boss of you and dictate your sense of self. Counter every negative thought with a positive one. In life's dictionary, to be happy, think happy, uplifting thoughts and smile. After all it is the only language that the whole world understands. =)
New Year?
2 months ago
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