The secularism issue

Boy do I have a lot of stuff swimming around in my head or not? I've written more posts than I've cared to do in a long time. Anyways, let's get to it!

Secularism. What is it? In my own words and understanding: the separation between religion and other aspects of our everyday life. According to Wikipedia, Secularism is the concept that government or other entities should exist separately from religion and/or religious beliefs. Well, it's the same thing right? Except in their context, it's the government, not the individual.

I see it happening all around me. Lie to yourself all you want. Malaysia might call itself a muslim country but having the majority of the population calling themselves Muslims does not a muslim country itself make. You see, there's a major difference: if we were truly a muslim country, the government should implement muslim laws in EVERY aspect of its governance, not just SOME bits here and there to suit their needs.

The other thing is how the Muslims in our community behave.
How is it that we dare call ourselves Muslim when we don't know the tenth part of our historical background? Or how to conduct ourselves as proper Muslims?
Nowadays, the word is that Muslims are just in name only. The practicing muslims are dwindling in number. How many of us actually pray 5 times a day? Fast during Ramadhan? Go to Hajj? The saddest part is the fact that we think everything religious has to do with the Masjid but when we're in our homes, everything changes. It's like this scenario that baffles other Muslim women out there: why we Malaysians love wearing our 'telekung' and cover ourselves from head to toe when we pray, but afterwards go running off out of the masjid, wearing tight fitting clothes without any hijab on? Isn't this the most blatant piece of hypocrisy that you've ever set your eyes on? In this, the meaning of prayer and what it imparts on us as a Muslim is lost.

I well and truly love all my Muslim sisters. More and more are answering the call to wear hijab and this is such a miracle to behold. However, WHY do wear Hijab in the first place? Is it to fend off unhealthy stares and unwanted groping? Is it to please Allah? Is it to simply fit in with the community and not be shunned at? Is it a tradition? Is it because we are Muslim, therefore we must wear it? or is it merely an accessory to our clothes?
HOW should we wear Hijab? Most of the Muslimas out there believe the purpose of Hijab is to cover our hair but they don't realize that this is just a tenth part of the real reason why we don it.
Again, it is the Noble Quran that act as our guidance and lays out the terms of how to wear Hijab in that we must cover the CHEST and NECK areas, NOT JUST the hair. And what of the clothes? LOOSE and must not take the shape of the wearer. Combining Hijab with tight fitting clothes just reflects the depth of our Islamic knowledge or even if we bother to apply it in the first place. Consider this, if we were asked to do a task, would we not try our very best to fulfill it? Take exams for example. We'd give it our all to get that 'A' no matter what. Then why is it so hard for us to apply this to our deen, our way of life as surely Islam is. Why don't we try our best? Why is it always half-heartedly?
Compare the government who is ruled by the Prime Minister. What is written in the law, we do because we are good citizens and we'd hate to be jailed for opposing them. But when it comes to the word of Allah, our Creator. Why don't we do the same? He is after all, the Creator of all including humans that call themselves ruler of people.

This, is what we call secularism.

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