Imagine you're outside a magnificent hall, waiting to make an offering to a great King.
Imagine you're surrounded by other courtiers, each of them more elegant and wealthier than the other. Some of them are Princes from other visiting countries. Naturally, their offerings would be of more value.
And here you are, amongst all these royals, who are offering up jewels and precious items to the King. All you have to offer is a loaf of bread.
The great King makes an appearance and to your surprise, accepts your humble offering.
Now picture the royals and courtiers as the great Prophets, each offering their beautiful deeds to the Almighty King, Allah. What is our deeds compared to theirs? And yet. Allah still accepts our offering. No matter how flawed and how inferior it is to that of the ones who are closest to Him.
How Merciful. How Kind. How Great is Allah? Such a beautiful lesson in humility. May Allah accept from me and from you. Ameen
-Adapted from Sister Yasmin Mogahed when she tells us about Imam Ghazaly's lesson in humility.
New Year?
2 months ago
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