Imagine getting a load of that on your last day of work? Well... it IS the LAST day. I can just go home and forget it ever happened. (Not that this is what I'd imagined it'd be like tomorrow... and I got my assessment already and it was good) Let's just say, there will be no more stuffy bosses, overbearing colleagues, inefficient secretaries, all looking over your shoulder to see what you're up to.
and me, being the model employee, will have my hand hovering over the mouse each time a shadow passes by, so that I can quickly click on the Windows Media Player playing Heroes, SNL or that Jap drama tab to another more 'see, I'm working my *$$ off here, don't bother me' window.
so this is how I while away my last days of work. When before, the 1st 3 weeks just whizzed by with so much work to be done, but when you run out of things to do, it's just like you're rotting away on the chair, doing nothing.
some tips at work:
+stand up and stretch for at least 5 mins after every 30 minutes of sitting down
+every 2 hours looking at the PC screen, get 15 minutes off to relax your eyes
-never leave the browser window open on the star online coz your boss might see that you've actually been reading the papers, instead of doing something 'useful?'
-never forget to bring your earphones so that you don't miss the gag between Kenan and Tracey Morgan in SNL
+always use lunch and prayer time wisely
+make fast friends! get a lunch partner!
New Year?
2 months ago
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