I wonder how life would be if I were a super athlete? I think it would be the coolest job in the world. Doing something that you're really good at for life and earning trillions of money from it. On the side, you get a great physique, travel all over the whole wide world and you gain fans and fame in one fell swoop. Nothing can beat that.
But of course, athleticism is something that you're born with, not something that you aspire to achieve. Sure, with practice comes perfection. However, you can't deny that talent counts for a whole lot too and maybe that elusive big break.
The only thing is, athletes will achieve their peak form once in their lives. After that, they'll get old, and their muscles won't be working as well. Add to it the amount of injuries they've suffered through out their career and by the age of 35 or even 30, they retire. Look at Zidane for example. He's gone already. Owen is always on reserve because of his knee. Then there's Gade Christensen, who consistently loses to players younger and fitter than him, like Chong Wei and Ponsanan.
I was disappointed that Kim Clijsters lost in the Australian Open, she didn't even reach the finals! And Henin-Herndanne. Wonder if she'll ever get to hold any major title again. I've been rooting for them since I don't know when. Isinbayeva, I believe, suffered her first major loss since breaking world record after world record.
This is the nature of sports and their athletes. You get old. You retire. Coz you're just not that good anymore. But kudos to Shumacher for getting into the thick of it once again. Can you believe that Valentino Rossi's dabbling in F1? (or at least I think he has, hasn't he?) must be getting tired of winning the Moto GP all the time.
Sports is just fun. What with the growing number of people getting over-weight, the importance of sweating yourself out for half an hour at least once a day should not be played down. I kinda like Kate Moss's quote " Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels". Although controversial, I get why some people were really offended. What she says is true. Skinny is healthy. And of course if you're healthy you're bound to feel good, right? Of course, we shouldn't have to torture ourselves by extreme dieting and all that crap. Obesity is a major epidemic. People are getting lazy. Nobody wants to move from the idiot box. Everybody wants to be comfortable. But that ain't gonna make your life any healthier.
It is pretty hard to stay motivated. But ultimately, it is our body we are taking care of. Pete Walsh said, Does this clutter make my butt look fat? well, this is kinda out of topic. but hey, de-clutter your life, de-clutter your mind. Just accept the healthy way of living and we're good to go!
New Year?
2 months ago
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