It is day 7 out of my 9 day break.
My neat, tidy and efficient looking schedule lies beside my left elbow. One is for the assignments that will be due after my break. One for looking at when I intend to do them. Both stare back at me accusingly. I stare back. All shifty eyed.
I reassure myself. I have almost finished my shipyard assignment. All I need to do is go to the AMC labs, get into CATIA and draw my shipyard layout. I will go today. This morning in fact! So keep your hair on...
The reds, the greens and the blues glower back at me. Okay! I'm guilty! I did some greens. Will do the blues today through the weekend. And RED, RED... maybe tonight?
*KEY: RED = solid mechanics, blue= Ship Design, green = fluid mechanics
I like to have a plan. That's the first step to killing the guilt I'd feel after a fun-filled break. But it's never enough. The guilt will still live on. It'll say, are you up to speed? What are you doing now? What are you supposed to do? Why are you blogging? Why are you spending so much time chatting? or surfing?
I just purse my lips. Think and go: cause I want a break from all that. I've done my schedule. I ain't sticking to it a hundred percent. It's just a rough guide. I am following it. I'm not wasting my time. I'm using it in a very good manner. Comprende? and o yeah I just want to bask in the light of my recent success. Just take it easy for a while. Then I'll shift gears.
The guilt..scratch that... it's the voice of my conscience- after hearing this will then hum a song to itself and bother me again some other time. Because you see, she loves holidays too :)
New Year?
2 months ago
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