Gotta make sure everything's ready aye? thanks to my ADIDAS sponsor..miss Kamasteia! :)

There's Richard! (cap with grey jacket) ... we've spotted the bus!

Keziah (bethcha can't pronounce that) ... one of my few girl friends here ;p

The bus that got us to Triabunna Wharf... I know... it's quite small.. but u should've seen the other one!

this was a very interesting group..guess u can say the powerhouse and the Asian Syndicate

Andrew... before he got SEA S!CK

Ho Wan Kim a.k.a George... which really seemed to annoy the Aussies. Why doncha just go with your original name? hahha... hey guys you wouldn't be able to pronounce their real names that's why!

Andrew being SEA S!ick on Deck! hahahahahhaha

wet weather gear and hard hat... ready to trawl for fish!

among the catch... a startlingly blue eyed baby shark... those are dishwasher gloves..haha

one of the biggest sharks.. we caught 3 gummy sharks and other baby sharks.. of course we let this one go...

that's the ship

the sunset on 1st day
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