I got a call from MISC asking me to report for my medical check up tomorrow morning, meaning I'd have to fast starting from 10 pm tonight until after I'm done with the whole thing.
Whew... I'm gonna stuff myself silly when having my iftar then. haha. just kidding :)
I'm curious to know if I have to pay using my own money or is the company sponsoring the costs and if I'd have to hang back and personally send my results to my would-be employers or I can just buzz off and go on my merry way and squeeze in some window shopping.
My lazy days relaxing at home have been quite productive in some areas of my life. *snigger* My external hard drive has seen a huge growth in the amount of new TV series and movies being added to it. It does help that I've got Unifi which is the fastest wifi service ever. It's simply superb! Any TV series at my fingertips in just a few minutes. It's viewing heaven.
On a side note, as much as I'm looking forward to working, I'm gonna miss my laidback lifestyle for sure. I wonder how different my life would be then?
Here's looking to the future!
New Year?
2 months ago
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