Time flies even when you're not occupied with anything. My daily routines are reduced to waking up for salah and surfing the net and watching TV series. It's definitely THE life what with me having just finished my studies. But all things should be in moderation. Too much of a good thing could be detrimental as well. I don't need mom to tell me that. Ha!
Weird thing is, I feel less productive after attending the Productive Muslim seminar just a few weeks ago which only goes to show, the only way to change yourself is if you DO what you know and that implies massive action. As for now, I find myself stuck in slow motion. Abu Productive, the founder of Productive Muslim did say to have a daily project so we wake up energized and we have an idea of what to do for the day. I feel it's too much of an effort to think up ONE daily project each and every day of the week. I know it's really lame. I'm just waiting for things to happen instead of making things happen.
It's funny how we have mood swings: one minute you feel energized, ready to take on the world and the next you just wanna sit down and relax and I'm all for the latter part right now.
I've got more or less a week to prepare myself for the working world. I'm excited to finally join the work force, especially since I'll be earning my own money which I can spend on my family and myself of course. It's time I share some of the load. This morning, I chanced upon TV Al-Hijrah where the presenter was talking about how spending on our family has a much higher reward to it compared to sadaqah (charity) and spending in the cause of Allah. Can you imagine the barakah in that? There's definitely no downside to being generous that's for sure.
In the meantime, I'll try to force myself to become more productive. My LifeBook is so empty right now without any activities to fill its pages. I feel depressed. I'm used to being active at Uni. When I'm left with myself, I don't really know what to do. I guess I'll continue stuffing my head with good things from personal development books and Islamic texts. Yep. Sounds legit.
Till then. Allah Hafiz
New Year?
2 months ago
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