This post is dedicated to the person who knows what to eat to stay healthy but refuses to let go of her love for junk food. She's in self denial at the moment. Thinking that munching on just a little won't be self destructive.
At first it was the 2 x 2XL pizzas from Dominos ordered at 9pm!!! Yes. She knows that eating after sunset is very much discouraged. Eating at night especially 'heavy' meals is a major no no. Know why? Because nearing bed-time our body's metabolism slows down in preparation for sleep. This means the food we consume will be transformed into fat stored beneath the skin instead of being burnt for energy! *She is cringing from this knowledge right now and the crime she's committed* Eating before sunset is the best way to ensure the food we eat gets burnt into energy since the ideal time for dinner (or last meal of the day) is around 4 hours before sleep. This is the time it takes to break down foods into their respective components.
After eating dinner consisting of lots and lots of seafood, she consumed tons of chocolate and had a major stomach ache afterwards. *Serves her right ey?* Well, coupling dairy with fish will definitely result in an upset stomach reason being the enzymes that break down protein from fish inside the stomach doesn't function as well when dairy is added to the mix. So this must be avoided at all costs! It's pretty important to know that mixing white meat with red meat is also a healthy diet sacrilege i.e. don't mix beef with chicken! and separate the seafood from the food we get off the farm. The reasons being the enzymes yet again. Of course, staying on course might be daunting but it CAN be done. All that matters is will power and PORTION CONTROL.
She keeps guzzling down loads of sweetened beverages i.e. melon milk, mango milk, soy milk and the list goes infinitely long. She feels guilty of course but she'd never pass any offer for anyone of these drinks, something like guilty pleasure. These sweet beverages are the real culprits of gaining weight since they contribute to the extra calories we wouldn't have gained from the (already healthy) food we ate.
Knowing the things she knows, it's surprising she can still show her face inside the health and fitness clubs. If Jillian Michaels was her trainer, she'd be mush on the floor, begging for mercy for her dietary trespasses claiming her will was not strong enough.
Yup. Considering her goal is to get ripped similar to Jillian's, Jennifer Garner or Jessica Biel's or any toned athlete's physique, she should be ashamed of herself.
She then reminds herself of her tae bo session with Billy Blanks and his daughter Shelly Blanks. Get her game on and get amped.
"What you look today is what your mind and will make you look"- Billy Blanks
New Year?
2 months ago
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