How long has it been? It's like coming back to see that my room has gone all dusty. Oh well, let me open the curtains, let the sunshine in. Time for a little catching up to do!
I'm taking a break from busting my brains out trying to think up related theories to my CFD assignment. Talk about very little theory out there. Was I crazy to choose this topic in the first place? Maybe. But bi ithnillah, I will get through. Just a few more editing here and there and I'll be set for next Monday! :)
Who would've thought I did so well in the 1st assignment? I was so freaking happy I couldn't do anything else that day but go out and celebrate! I mean, c'mon man, this is CFD we're talking about! The most feared and revered subject that we have to take in 4th year! Here's me hoping to God that I could repeat the same feat insha Allah.
Semester one is drawing to a close. But semester break is gonna be as hectic as ever. I've got my model testing due in the 1st week of semester two so the test programme has to be finished way before that!
I feel sleepy and unde-productive. For a wonder, I'm kind of lost for words here! It's been that long since I've exercised my writing muscles. They seem to have shrunk. I'll bulk 'em out again all in due time.
In the meantime, I'll leave you with this beautiful note:

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