Aah. I like to call this subject structural anal. Guess why? Chile really did it this time with his class test. I reckon more than half the class will fail it. What's the deal with giving us tough questions akin to trying to design the Eiffel tower or some sh*t. I just feel so frustrated. All the hard work I put into analyzing Trusses, Frames, live loads and dead loads, and it feels like I didn't study at all when it came to answering that test. Now I've got freakin Tributary areas to deal with plus ABS standards to look through for the bloody assignment.

Don't get me wrong, Dr Hung Nguyen is my hero. But I can't make any sense of what the heck he's trying to impart to his students. Total confusion perhaps? A feeling of utter despair? What exactly is Noise and Vibration? The assignment he wants us to complete is beyond me. Just like his tute questions. Far out. Which reminds me, I've got a tute question that I still haven't finished yet. All there is to it is my sleepy handwriting!

Lahtiharju Regression Analysis: It's a pain in the butt. Try programming a ton of formulae in MS Excel. And then going over it again to see if all the brackets are in place. And IF you missed out on any cells that SHOULD have been there. My eyes are already smarting. That's just the 1st part of my Resistance and Propulsion Asst. There is another FOUR parts to it. Whooppee!
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