My break starts today. A break that is filled with finishing up assignments. So I better start off in His blessings. Lest I do not find any barakah in my free time and while the days away with laghw activities.
Officially all the colors that are evident in the timetable above is now blank. It's up to me now what to do with all this time. I've got a rough sketch of it in my mind. It's going to be mostly a sunny color, with bits of thunderheads along the way but the atmosphere would be very relaxed. I also foresee a very brilliant blue patch of sky in the works.

I often wonder how busy people schedule their lives and still live productively. Me? I just scribble in my plans for the week on my diary. What I have to do each day. Today, for instance, I'm cycling up to my old crib. Have to intercept DHL who stuffed up my textbook delivery. It's 6 weeks into the semester plus one class test and no text book! Thank god for friends with textbooks who did the unit last semester!
It was this thought I got when I saw a stone with a kitty cat on it (which was meant to be a paper weight) in a specialty shop somewhere and I said to myself, if only somebody'd thought of giving that to me. I guess at that time, Kak Leyza heard me. I just love the originality of this piece above. And she drew the cat herself. The stone, she and her daughters collected from the beach.
Anywho, I better get going. I hear breakfast calling.
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