The ship was named Wish.
She was magnificent. Built out of timber. Beautiful full bow shaped like a swan.
She never parted the waves. Rather she flowed with them.
She belonged to a lady captain. Wish was hers to command.
She had been sailing for more than 20 years. Never once did she fail to reach her destination. She always made it. Be it rain or storm. The captain was well known for her discipline and good common sense. She traded only the best goods. Reportedly, rare treasures from the other side of the world, dazzling, bright and utterly precious.
This lady was unusual in her unerring perception and critical eye for exotic trinkets.
She had both brain and beauty. Nobody questioned her mettle as a captain. Her crew trusted and respected her.
One fateful day, the sky grew dark while they were on their way to deliver important goods to an important lord. A great, angry thunderstorm blew. The course has been set. The lady captain pushed on. Her first mate steering the wheel. In her heart she knew, for the 1st time as captain of the ship, she will not make it. She retires to her cabin. There, she confronts her navigation maps, years worth of experience and knowledge and ponders. At last, her mind still uneasy, she asks the crew to push on. For the 1st time, they pause for a split second moment. But it is as if she had imagined it had happened for the looks that they gave to each other were lightning quick so as to not have happened at all...
They tightened the rigs to the mast, full sail, in the eye of the storm. Alas, all their efforts were laid to waste for as their eyes finally saw the end of the horizon of which was the mighty lord's domain, Wish ran aground of a sharp, jagged rock that could not be seen from above the waves.
The lady captain, quick of mind and hand, let go of the anchor even before the first mate called for the crew to abandon ship. Her heart was heavy. Weighed down by the years of joy and happiness she had found aboard this vessel. Never to have failed a single task set to her. She fisted her hands tight. Determined. She saw her crew were all safe on the boat by the side of Wish. Waiting for her to join them.
She could feel the sea water fast coming in to the ship's hull.
Quickly, she grabs hold of the wheel. Grips a death grip. Pulls the anchor. I will not see you sink!
She steers for the beach. Praying to God to show her mercy.
She seems to fight a losing battle. The wind howled in fury. Batting at the unwavering figure who stood loyal on the ship's deck.
The sky finally clears. The sun shines through. Only an echo of the furious wind is heard. The lady captain opens her eyes to see they have landed safely on shore.
Her crew shouts excitedly. Gathers her in a warm hug.
We made it!
We made it!
The lady captain, escorted by her 1st mate climbs down the side of the ship. Her walk is uncertain. Then her steps gradually become sure as she feels the sand beneath her toes. She falls to her knees and kisses the ground. Only Wish heard her silent whisper to God and felt the depth of gratitude in her weeping heart.
New Year?
2 months ago
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