...you're just gonna die.. or get over it
Classic quote from Paul Furness (whose never been sea-sick a day in his life)
yo ho yo ho a pirate's life for me...
(original Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean)
There's no more majestic wooden ships for me to sail on, but there is a cute, metal made fish trawler I can pillage called the Bluefin...scratch that.. It's more popularly known as SPEWfin (guess why)
Only girl on board. Got a cabin all to myself with an en-suite bathroom. Sweet... now here I was worrying how on Earth will I survive? The said voyage will start week after next. I'm in the 3rd group, departing on Friday.
Paul's got a whole raft of activities for us to do. Like trawl for fish and wade knee deep in the catch (better get wet weather gear from Nikki fast!), guess the center of gravity for the ship through calculations (meaning gotta study Hydro again..o bother), anchor watching in the middle of the night (I can't stay up even if it was to save my life), draw general arrangements and then present solutions to making em better placed (need loads of 3D imagination for this one) and tons more FUNGot my lines drawing assignment back(pic on the right) and boy was I happy! (much understated)
Lines drawing is a graphical representation of the hull, without any of its appendages and illustrates its important parameters such as design waterline, draft, length of waterline, length overall, and ...stuff.and look what I got for my first ever attempt at it!
not too bad ey?
New Year?
2 months ago
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