Nice title eh?
Finally. A job that suits my degree. A job that was just waiting to find me as the dude puts it.
Who would've known what a roller coaster ride it would be for me this whole year after graduation?
I thought it would be smooth sailing. I had a job already lined up. All I needed to do was go for the interview, which is pretty much a formality since my company is obligated to take us under their wing.
And finding the truth the hard way was not easy. Facing it down was another matter entirely. Living it?
Let's just say it was a cake-mix of emotions from start to end, but I got a beautiful cake in the end! :)
I've learnt that it's so easy to take things for granted. When you're thrown into a situation where what you took as your due is taken away from you, that's when your mettle is really being tested. In my case, I had no back up plan. No Plan B. All I had was Plan A. I didn't look beyond that. So when I was thrown into the deep end of the pool, I floundered, splashed, choked and went under a few times but there were tons of twigs, logs and rocks to hold on to while I was trying to swim ashore. In the end, I found my rhythm and safely landed on the riverbank.
Now, finally, after endless procrastinating and gazillion years of waiting, I am finally working!
Of course I'm nervous since I wouldn't know what to expect and I'll be in a 'foreign' country with different cultural practices. Of course I'm a little bit frazzled since I'm asked to start work earlier than expected, and I worry I haven't got enough mental preparation yet. Of course.
But I'm also excited that my next chapter in life is about to begin. I'm looking forward to living a new lifestyle. I'm stoked I got my dream job. I'm grateful I've been given this chance to gain much needed and highly sought after experience in the oil and gas and maritime industry and.... I can't wait to get my first salary!!!!!!!
And to the Best Provider, the Best Protector, The Best Planner, The All-Hearer, The All-Seer, The All Knowing, The Most Loving, All Praise, Love, endless devotion and Worship goes to You from Your humble slave.
New Year?
2 months ago
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