It's been 2 months since I last plopped myself in here.
For some reason, I haven't felt like spilling my guts in a long while.
I've been blog-hopping. A lot. But I haven't been blogging enough.
So many things have happened. Most of them caught me unawares. Like the fact that the company who's supposed to hire me after I graduate is contemplating on NOT hiring me.
It's been bugging me ever since. I've been plagued with murderous and violent thoughts this whole time.
Four freaking years of slogging through the tough stuff. Four suicidal years. And. Nothing.
No chance to prove what I've learnt was worth my time. I feel so cheated is what. To make matters worse, trying to find the right career that matches with my degree is close to impossible! Most of the job seeking websites don't even have the option to choose my intended industry!!!! Now tell me if my anger isn't misdirected. It's so bloody unfair.
It seems like every step I take in progressing is countered with something that is bound to stop me in my tracks and make me sigh with regret. Indeed, this is a challenge of monumental proportions, which Allah has decided to bestow on me. I won't lie. It's really hard. Especially watching all my friends breeze through their interviews and get their dream jobs without having to go through this harrowing experience. Drama queen much?
Well, it wouldn't have come to this point if it wasn't half a freaking year gone already with no glimpse of any suitable job in sight! To date, I've only had one promising job interview. But. Right at the moment where I thought they'd call, I'm met with nothing. No response. Not even the courtesy of telling me whether my application was unsuccessful or not. Tell me how else could a girl not get even more frustrated!??
Ah, the thrill of the hunt is wearing me down. My patience is frayed around the edges. And I'm chafing at the bits. The only bright spots in my life right now is the promise of the coming US trip (which I hope to finally embark on) and my part time source of income. Keeping myself busy is the only thing that prevents me from gnashing my teeth every time I check my e-mails to see absolutely no updates or pending job interviews. Such is the life of me.
New Year?
2 months ago
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