The days are so blisteringly hot nowadays. If I stare long enough at the streets outside, I'm convinced I'd eventually see heat waves floating up from the tar surface. The plus side is that all the laundry gets dried in no time. The down side is of course, the inhuman amount of sweating the temperature causes, although, one could argue that a workout session is much more advantageous in these times since there's double the normal amount of sweating involved. Yesterday, my whole family was out in the living room, turning the fans on at full force in just one direction. Thank Allah that it decided to rain at night. Such a welcome change to the hot weather.
I've been doing some thinking lately and I've started to ponder my future which will involve me commuting to KL every day. The cramped conditions would soon be alleviated once KTM starts to install those new trains. And kudos to them for finally acknowledging the need to do so. But that won't happen until May of this year. So I'd just have to wing it. Taking the train is not all that bad. Especially at 7.30 in the morning. On some good days, I even get a seat! Since it's more convenient anyway, I'm happy with it. No complaints from me. Besides, I like people watching. The only other issue is, with this hot weather showing no sign of going away, it's a good idea for me to start picking out convenient lunch places which would be near to my future office. Nothing too far out of the way to avoid excess sweating, you know? Funny this should be one of my concerns. Probably it's coz I've got too much time on my hands is what.
I never thought I'd admit this, but, staying at home, doing nothing is getting old and more and more boring. I know if it were other more creative people in my place, they'd think of whiling away their time doing some pretty interesting stuff. I started my hols with experimental cooking in the kitchen. That ended pretty much sooner than I expected. But I did manage to churn out some good comfort food while I was at it. Then I'd start doing Tae Bo in the afternoons. Rarely missing them until my bout of food poisoning put it on hold.
Right now, the only interesting things I've got going on are my workouts, watching some TV series I've been downloading, and reading all those storybooks which were put on hold during my studies. All of them are really slow going though.
The other night me and my sister went to this Islamic event featuring Islamic artistes doing their thing. It was pretty interesting, although, to me, there was only one or two performances that really stood out. The rest were blahh
Anyways, that's about it for today. Tired of writing already.
New Year?
2 months ago
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