The reason why I haven't been blogging much is coz I've kinda moved to Tumblr, but not on a permanent basis.
Sometimes I get bored of posting graphics and pictures and quotes and I just feel like good old fashioned writing so baam! I'm back here again in no time. Hence this post.
I wonder what is that X factor that makes people want to follow your blog. I've been blog hopping a lot for the past hour. I've been pondering over these hijabi sisters back in Malaysia who've got a really large fan base and I'm just wondering how they got famous in the first place. Obviously, they've got connections. And obviously some are famous to begin with...but sometimes, it's just they themselves who're just cool. At least, this is what I've figured out after countless pouring over blog posts and stalking this or that hijabi.
Anyways, this brings me to the point of these hijab fashionistas suddenly cropping up like so many flowers in the field. I don't have anything against them. But one thing definitely strikes me; the fact that most of their style icons are Caucasian models or celebrities or some such. And this leads me to think: if you're following someone who is not a hijabi, who clearly dresses stylishly without an Islamic code, then, is it okay??
It's like you are actually copying a non-muslim's style. You get that right?
All the colorful clothes styled together with matching hijab to attract attention or just to be stylish, when the true purpose of hijab is for modesty. To me, moderation is key. Allah is beautiful and He loves beauty.
So it isn't wrong to dress prettily because being women, we love to look lovely. But things get really messed up when you over-do it. Piling up accessories and layers upon layers of clothing. and to top it off, styling the hijab so it looks nice BUT it definitely deviates from the guidelines set by Allah.
For e.g.: styling it turban style and exposing the neck just so that the blouse worn beneath can be seen better.
And then, there's the numerous styles invented by these other fashionistas that are just... there's no other word to it...just WRONG.
Try these scenarios; pairing LEGGINGS with hijab. Skin tight jeans with loose blouse and a 'scarf' to cover only the hair. I could go on. Everytime I look at this or that hijabi's lookbook, so many comments would pop in my head: your scarf doesn't cover your b**bs coz I can see them clearly. Your jeans are too tight coz I can see the shape of your legs. Your skirt is too short and I can see some of your calves. You've got too much make up on. Your pose is definitely tooooo sexy for a hijabi. And in the end, I just get the feeling of raising my arms in frustration and bewilderment. Everything is just so wrong. Is it just me who's realizing this? Why are there girls out there who just follow these styles blindly?
There's nothing wrong in being stylish. If you really want to 'dress-up' and look pretty, make sure Allah approves. It's no use getting tons of approval from the public because the only opinion that matters is Allah's and none other.
New Year?
2 months ago
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