I like this kitty's expression, it's the exact mirror of mine =) My brain's exhausted. Having to process all that info in less than a week! Brrrh!
O yeah.
I could barely sleep last night because of all the commotion of winning the Cummin's award :)
It surely is a big thing at AMC, imagine all the cameras were there, the local newspapers, the photographer, AMC marketing people. Phew! What a day!
I'll let you in on my little secret: I actually heard the lady reporter say "so I'll interview the lady that won after this" to one of the Cummins' reps. and I was like (OMG! DID I WIN?!)
Then, I was just sitting there, calming myself down. Telling myself it was just my imagination when the Cummins' rep shushed the lady reporter, saying they're not supposed to know yet... how amusing. Killed my suspense on the spot I tell ya.
Sister Shireen called, some time before to say she saw me on the telly yesterday! Screaming to herself "I know that girl! I know that girl!" then promptly ringing everyone I knew from the masjeed that I was on tv and had won some kind of award.. way to go Muslimah! :D and kindy teacher yah! (though I have missed a ton of classes these past few weeks)
Since exams is starting in 2 days, I still can't fully process this amazing win yet. But I will when I finish hydrodynamics paper next thursday. Hmm... now back to revising the 2nd bit: Manouevring.
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