Made my name out of Sticky felt and stuck them on a plate. Then I pinned it to my cork board.

My timetable is totally blank, as I am too lazy to nut out how I should organize my 11 remaining weeks of the semester

This whiteboard is so last semester. Even then, there wasn't much to write about. I stopped when I got that 1st assignment for Resistance and Propulsion in which I scored a 12/15! (^ ^)

The bag that I had to buy in Spotlight so that I could fill all my stuff since they were going plastic bag free

My wall of bags. 3 on the right I got from Korea when I went there with Mom. The 1st one from left I got from Vivo in Lonnie. It's denim and it's like a wallet.

The pot-pourri I got from Spotlight. I even got the bowl too. It smells of lavender

Me and candy refuse to be separated. I got these from Salamanca and I love them to bits!

The keycard that will always stick with me coz I can't afford to get locked out of my room and pay 5 bucks all the time! so far I've been locked out a grand total of ONE time! yay me!

That letter M keychain is made from Kangaroo leather. It's really tough and looks cool too. That glitter glue is for my class project with my kids from Arabic school

Poor little fatty ipod lies forgotten ever since I got myself my ipod Touch... ooh.. It's being 'crushed' by my kangaroo fur pouch where I store all my cables.

There's not much going on in my 1st week of semester except the big bold words on Friday. Anti discrimination forum that I attended. Too bad the main speaker went to the wrong campus!

My class project! =)

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