more than one choice --> review pros + cons --> in the end results are what matter the most
I want to get online, mainly to do research for my assignments and Skype!
Choice 1: Walk outside, go to the PC labs near the laundry
Choice 2: Walk outside, walk a further 10 mins and use the PCs in AMC
Choice 3: Walk outside, walk a further 10 mins and another 10 mins on top of that and bring your
own laptop. There's free wireless at the learning hub
Choice 4: Stay inside, fork out 315 dollars to get internet for up to 10 months.
It's times like this, I check myself. Do I really need internet that much? Can't I just use the labs? The only bad thing is, I'd have to get my books up there as well. And I'd have to WALK.
It's times like this, I realize how much I miss my bike.
It's times like this, I panic at the 2 assignments that I already have, but, because I tell myself I need the Internet, I don't start yet.
It's times like this, the decisive part of me refuses to act. Because I'm tired of making decisions.
"Decide what you want, decide what you are willing to exchange for it. Establish your priorities and go to work." ~ H.L. Hunt
Well said Mr Hunt.
New Year?
2 months ago
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