I know it's time to face the music once I've checked out my timetable.
Now, the idea of being a 3rd year is finally settling in my mind. I'm trying to absorb this. To think that the 1st time I arrived, I had held them in such awe. Now I'm part of the crowd baby! haha!
So glad that I've been able to handle everything so far.
A word of caution from the 4th years though, 'You ain't seen nothing yet if you haven't been through 3rd year' If this isn't motivation for me to start working my a$$ off, I don't know what will.
Good news, I got Fridays off and only Mondays and Tuesdays start at 9. What a relief. However, looking at the units I'll be taking, it's a wonder I haven't passed out on the floor, begging the Lord to spare my life. Gotta keep my cool yo!
That's it! This year I'll be the Dalai Lama of the AMC library.
'Cause baby,
There ain't no mountain high enough
Ain't no valley low enough
Ain't no river wide enough
To keep me from getting to you
Lyrics | Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell - Ain’t No Mountain High Enough lyrics
New Year?
2 months ago
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