12.05 pm
After 5 hours flight from Perth, countless glancing at the route map in front of me, and restless shifting on the chair-trying-to-get-some-sleep-every-5-seconds-jitteriness, I finally saw a huge piece of land which could barely be seen cause it was mostly covered in billows of white clouds... Malaysia!
We touched down at the airport. The landing was far from perfect. It was rough, a girl at the back screamed from the shock of it. I was just relieved we were still in 1 piece. The humid hot air greeted me as I stepped out of the plane.
Talk about change in the weather...radical!
Plus I was wearing this huge wooly sweater, designed to insulate. You can imagine how uncomfortable I felt. The heat was literally radiating off the tarmac as I made my way to the luggage collection thingy.
I had to wait about 15 minutes, I was really getting anxious. No sign of my bags at all. Then, my beautiful red bag popped out followed by teddy hanging on to my small luggage.
I was outta there in no time.
Boy was I glad to see my dad. After close to a year!
We ate lunch. Awesome fare. Cendol, sambal belacan, nasi and kuah yg best.
New Year?
2 months ago
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